Hearts Content Of A Mama's Giveaways: Jump into 2012 $500 Paypal cash, $50 and $30 Amazon Gift Cards start from 7th until end of this month January 2012 11:59PM PST, She is one of the sponsors of OutnumberedMama‘s Jump into 2012 giveaway. The rule is very simple, there are 48 blogs to follow, friend, like and subscribe. The first prize is $500 paypal cash. A second prize of a $50 Amazon.com eGiftCard and a third prize of a $30 Amazon eGiftCard.

The total 48 participating blogs:
The Busy Woman’s Guide to Surviving Motherhood
Retail Therapy Lounge
Thifty Divas
Burning Moon
Travel Contests & Sweepstakes
Disney Contests & Sweepstakes
Savvy Sister Shop
As Mom Sees It
Chic Monkey Boutique
Indiana Coupon Saving & Giveaways
Sprinkle Me Pink
Finger Click Savings
My Style Spot
Peanut Butter and Whine
Unconventional Librarian
A Girl Worth Saving
Hearts Content of a Mama
Maxwell’s Mommy
3 Boys and a Dog
Powered by Mom
Deal Seeking Bliss
Best Fragrances and Beauty Supplies
Simple Wyrdings
Craft Yourself
My Little House of Treasures
Tidbits from a Mom
Counting My Kisses
Babushka’s Baile
Healthy Concepts
Libby’s Library Reviews & Giveaways
Family Fun and Life
$uper $aving Momma
Money Saving Mindy
Mom on the Run
Mark Your Savings
Coupon Scribbles
Babes and Kids Review
Theresa’s Mixed Nuts
Write What Inspires You! Donna McDine
The Working Writer’s Club
Rants and Raves of a Crazed Mom
Madame Deals
Carol Fraser Hagen – Literacy Specialist
Punk Rock Mommy
A Family Village
Foodie Gems
Diary of a Working Mom
Debbie Does Coupons
Mompreneur Mogul
Come to join this great giveaways!
Feel free to visit my other blogs, DigiScrapBlog, RecipesCollection.